“Kinetico products are a simple and reliable solution to water treatment needs.”
Barry Fitzpatrick, Sales Director, Platignum
Client: Tesco
Category: Grocery Store
Kinetico products have been Tesco’s water treatment choice for over 12 years. Kinetico’s CP208 and CP210 supply softened water to stores around the UK.
Kinetico has collaborated with contractors including Platignum, Essex Services Group Plc, and Constant Air Systems to ensure the proper equipment are installed at each Tesco store. Each Tesco store is modular and takes 12 to 14 weeks to build. Kinetico is involved from the initial design phase to the installation to ensure the necessary equipment is supplied.
Barry Fitzpatrick, Platignum’s Sales Director, says “Kinetico products are a simple and reliable solution to water treatment needs. It is a simple mechanical application that requires no electrical supply and can be easily connected to the pipework. All new store plant rooms contain Kinetico water softeners.” The contractors have executed 80 projects, which are virtually problem-free if properly maintained.
The contractors have executed 80 projects, which are virtually problem-free if properly maintained.
Kinetico’s non-electric, automated water softeners remove calcium and magnesium ions via ion exchange. Due to its dual tank architecture, a Kinetico water softener can continually soften water; while one tank works, the other is cleansed with a salt solution to remove calcium and magnesium ions.
Most water softeners have timers so regeneration can occur when the water is not being used, such as at night, however this might be counterproductive if little water was used during the day. The Kinetico fully automatic control valve detects soft water usage and only regenerates on demand, preventing waste. Kinetico water softeners boost equipment energy efficiency and require no electricity to run.
Kinetico is honoured to be Tesco’s supplier; we’ve worked hard to build innovative, easy-to-use products. Our devotion to customers is shown by our longtime cooperation with Tesco, and we hope to form more.
Kinetico commissions and maintains items for all Tesco stores. If another company installed the water softener, a Kinetico expert will complete final checks before it’s operational.